Terms and Conditions for PTSD.online

Terms and conditions ~ AKA ~ the rules.

This site is designed to address Traumas, it may not be suitable to all ages.

Unfortunantly, terrifying events may also be experienced by children.

In agreeing to the terms and conditions you are certifying that you are over the age of 18

if under 18

Have a gaurdian present (preferred) or permission from one.


You will Never be contacted by PTSD.Online

Sadly, there are a lot of scammers out there.

There is only ONE email for this program: Admin@Ptsd.online

If you get an email or text claiming to be from PTSD.online block it and report it as Spam.

Every post goes under review, if you want ptsd.online to email you back use admin@ptsd.online.

Your privacy and security is our priority.

This site collects NO Identifying Data.

Using this site means you agree to not add any either.

Identifying data here is difined as: any information that will create the ability to identify or locate any individual. 

Personal data rules include but are not limited to:

No Names ~ No Address ~ No emails ~ No phone numbers

Exceptions / Examples : 

Allowed –  Coffee shop – Not Starbucks or Waffle house. Company names can narrow a search field to certain geographic locations. 

Allowed –  Country or Contintent – different cultures and locations may experience different traumas. Volcanoes and War trauma would better be discussed with the country or continent location identified.  

Allowed –  Intentional Attention – There are public figures that make decisions that affect others, Politicians, Judges, Celebrities that use their popularity. Individuals that knowingly and willingly put themselves out for admiration or rebuke. Their names can be used.

Examle: Bill Clinton was a public figure that intentionally sought out public attention. Monica Lewinsky did not. Bills name – ok, Monica’s – Not ok.

No victim blaiming

This is a place to talk about feelings – Each person is different.  Denying feelings does not stop the emotion, nor encourage healing.

This site is not proffesional mental health. 

This is a place for individuals that have experienced painful events to meet and communicate with others that have also suffered. Although proffesional theripists, counselors, psychologists are welcome to use this site the statement that they are qualified because_____, will not be allowed.

For Proffesional Mental Health please reach out to qualified individuals in your community.

No pictures, links, conspiracy theories, or threats of violance.  

There are plenty of social media locations that allow those things. Here they will be deleted. 

~Swearing however will be allowed. ~

Violations to rules ~ Post will be altered, moved or deleted. 

Accidents – A great deal of the individuals on this site have been traumatized. They may unintentionally use a name or location that they should not. When that occurs the post will be altered to erase the name or location.

Example – Then Cristyna came over and… – would be changed to: Then ______ came over and…, the entire post does not need to be deleted, just the name.

Victim blaiming – There are many reasons people do not seek help when they are hurting. Knowing that they will get blaimed for their trauma is one. These posts will get moved to a “Practice Ring”. Each section will have at least one and I will add more as needed. This is where people that are hurting can practice standing up for themselves without fear of personal retaliation (no one knows it’s you). 

Example – “If you wern’t so pretty, you wouldn’t get raped.” This statement is a fallacy and used to defend why men rape. It will get moved for rape victims to practice standing up for themselves. Initially with anonymity. Hopefully one day publicly. 

Posts will be deleted when: – Threats of violance to anyone for any reason! Cybor bullying is suspected or present. Identifying markers are placed in a way that can not be edited out. Deletion authority and judgement remains under the descretion of PTSD.online’s admin. This site is designed for healing, not hurting. 

Descretion Example Explained


“Ron DeSantis is turning Florida into a communistic state by restricting freedom of speech, limiting the availabilty of historical education, passing laws that restrict individual freedoms, and interfering with privatly owned buisness.”

Although, the above statement violates several of the rules, it also fits under the exceptions. 

The name – is used as person of authority and popularity, that is using their identity to impact the lives of others.

The location – Floridia,  is used to describe a specific geographic location that individuals in that jurisdiction could suffer from similar trauma.

The accusation of communism –  is valid as countries that practice communism restrict freedom of speech, the availability of full education, interfer with privatly owned buisness and restrict individual freedoms. It is an accurate statement and a cause of trauma to individuals.

That being said almost all of Trumps statements about DeSantis would get deleted. 

Not because they were said by Trump (admin would not know who said it), but because they are generally just name calling and attacks without any justification.

If your post has been altered, moved or deleted, it is not personal.
No data is collected here, not even admin has access to who you are.


Funding comes through StrongerTogether.Services. The parent company was created to support PTSD.Online and Stronger-US.org.

These sites are in the Beta version right now. The Tech required is extremely expensive. I am actively seeking Sponsors but at this time funding relies on donations and my labor:  to donate: click here.

Cyber Security

Your privacy and security are a priority. It is the reason these programs are set up the way they are and are very expensive to create. To protect your identity no log in, subscriptions, pictures, links, or anything that could collect your IP address is allowed. When security does require an IP collection it is done through an encryption process, no one, not even admin, will know who you are. Security is also why funding goes through StrongerTogether.Services. If no data, personal, or financial information is here – there is nothing to hack, subpoena or want access too. Your browser, YouTube links or other programs may collect your search results. If this is an issue, please use an incognito window or delete browser history. Each section opens on to its own page. This allows you to bypass the other departments. Page names describe what the page is.