Feedback page.

Right now, this site is using old Tech. It is a "comments" section not a standard Forum.

I had this site-built months ago with a program I thought would work. The company I was using “Upgraded” my system. In doing so it placed a tracker in the site, that collected data from every user that came here. I couldn’t bypass it and they wouldn’t take out the tracker. I trashed all the work. A great deal of individuals do not seek help, because they fear “people” will find out. Mental health should be readily available to everyone. Not a “target market”.

After months and months of buying, installing, learning new programs, adjusting, tech support, customer service, uninstalling, waiting for refunds, and starting over. I decided something is better than nothing. I re-built with the adjusted old tech.

This system is temporary while a better system is being developed.

The problem is collecting and displaying information without collecting data. It is like getting wood from a tree without killing the tree. It can be done, but it has limits and there’s a breaking point of how much wood you can collect. Click Here to see the graph of the current system. Taking into account the program works around different designs and other features – it is really impressive!

I am working with programmers around the world to figure out how to get the ‘wood’ without killing the Tree. It will take some time to write the code, test, brake, and fix the issues that will come up. It is also going to be very expensive. Please be patient.

Things I know need to be added:

1. A Red flag button – if a comment needs to be adjusted or deleted immediately.

2. A way to Toggle or close discussions in the same subject that are not applicable to you. The current system takes up to much ‘page’ space.

3. The writing or reply form separated from the previous comments, so you can write a response while you still have access to the message you were reading.

4. I would like a ‘side bar’. Individuals with PTSD often make associations with subjects to other subjects. This creates what is known as “Going down the Rabbit Hole” or getting sidetracked. Although at cocktail parties this may be inappropriate – here these “That reminds me of…” Can be very helpful for recovery. That would add another layer of getting wood from the same tree – making the custom forum even more complicated.

This form goes straight to admin and does not display. You can write whatever you would like.
What I will not have:

Login’s – Avatars – Profiles. Often there is an obsession with ‘Who’ said something instead of what was said. Great and bad advice can come from anywhere. Taking away ‘Who’ said what, will help you decide on your own which type of advice it is. If you need credit for something you said, you can go to Twitter, Facebook, or different platforms.

Private chat rooms – This defeats the purpose of the site. I would like side bars so people can get more in-depth, but what they talk about could be helpful to others.

Time Stamps and User counts – This was a hard decision. We are conditioned when we look at reviews to see how many people said…and when did they say it? I am assuming only 1 in a hundred people that use this site will post initially. (We are also conditioned to not talk about these subjects.) It will take a brave few to start conversations, but by sharing they can help countless others.  Just because someone did not comment, does not mean the information posted was not accessed and gleaned from.